Once you, the aspiring student, commit to take on this training, you will be contacted to attend a One-on-One private, in-person, coaching session with your Trainer to work on your Intro - Who are YOU?
Your training will be on the weekend before the scheduled Monday evening show.
Fri: 7:00 pm - 9:00pm - Meet and Greet the other comics
Sat: 11:00am - 4:00pm - Wit Writing
Sun: 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Rehearsal
Mon: 6:00pm - 9:00pm - Performance and Graduation Ceremony
Debrief Session: within 30 days (once video is produced)

Stand up! - Stand Out!
Show off and WOW your Audience.
Private Page Profile & Video Memento
A personalized EventBrite affiliate link to help you market the event online. This tracking code allows you to resell your 10 ticket minimum FUNdraising allotment to friends, family members, and coworkers who will come to support your performance.​ This link can be sent by text, email, embedded on websites, or posted on social media to help track and promote the EventBrite sales page uniquely to you.
PLEASE NOTE: you are required to resell 10 FUNdraising tickets to the event or must you agree to purchase any ticket sales shortfall yourself at full retail price prior to your performance! After all, this is a FUNdraiser for the cause and you need to bring some guests to the show. If you are a really good marketer, you may sell more than your allotment and you will earn a $5 per ticket affiliate commission on each ticket in excess of the first 10 tickets, thereby reducing your course fee accordingly.
A private self-manageable Comic Profile page on this website with a password link will be used by each comic who wishes to optionally share their recorded performances and profile with their invited guests. Comics control access to their material and they control the broadcast rights to their performance through the My Comic Profile page manager available here to all registered and approved comics*. Short-term archival of performance videos will be available through a password-protected shared OneDrive link.
A master video recording of the show will be made and then segmented into personalized downloadable performances for each comic. This is then also posted on our NEW streaming platform for archival and sharing purposes.
NEW feature: a free personalized profile listing on our digital streaming platform that allows our comic's material to be archived permanently and is organized by performance date. Comics may choose to have a Public or Private profile, control who has access to it, and they may even offer virtual subscriptions to their material for free, or for a fee. Please Email Us if you would like to promote your content and sell subscriptions on the streaming platform (note: a small platform fee of $10/mo USD is required in order to offer subscriptions to your content.)
Yes, as a comic, you can now earn residual money for your performance! One never knows who the next professional comedian may be from among the ranks of our first-time amateurs!
*ACT reserves the right to use up to one joke from each comic for promotional purposes.
To get started, you must first enroll as a site member. Click the GET STARTED button below, THEN select Sign Up to create a FREE membership profile, verify your submission on the auto-generated confirmation email, select Comic on the associated intake form, and follow the instructions from there. Then RETURN HERE, click the CHOOSE a PLAN button to select an option from the Plans & Pricing page. We'll be in touch to get you started.
If you just have some basic questions to ask first, simply Contact Us for more information.